Cooper & Roman
There’s no slowing down at Synergy Forward! We’re proud to have acquired Hull letting agent, Cooper & Roman from 1st April 2023.
A big welcome to all of their tenants and landlords, who will be well looked-after within our lettings business, Ultralets.
This purchase came about fairly quickly following Dan's initial approach - our tried and tested acquisition process enables us to take the steer from the seller and move as quickly as they’d like to.
Seller, Dan, comments:
“We saw Synergy Forward actively buying other companies in the area and decided to approach them to understand what they could offer in line with our expectations. Following a meeting with Spencer, we decided that they had the ability and infrastructure to meet ours and our client’s needs.
The main concern for us was that it was done professionally, and with ease, but in a timely manner - the process was simple and efficient which is a credit to the whole team involved. Once an offer was agreed, the wheels were put in motion and it was a quick close.
Another priority for us was ensuring our staff member was able to transfer over to continue to build on their career, it’s clear she’s been welcomed with open arms and is now a valuable member of their team.
You should definitely approach Synergy Forward if you’re thinking of selling your lettings company - Spencer is approachable and honest about what he can help with.”
Former Cooper & Roman team member, Ebony Major, has been welcomed into our lettings team through the acquisition and has settled in wonderfully.
Here’s what team member, Ebony, had to say on the transfer:
“When finding out the news about Ultralets taking over Cooper & Roman, my biggest worry was making sure all the clients felt comfortable with the transfer.
Looking back at this now, I had nothing to worry about as myself and the Ultralets team have given the Cooper & Roman clients the smoothest transition, warmest welcoming and continued 5* service.
The transition went really well - everything went to plan and ran smoothly. I'm looking forward to my future working at Ultralets and I know it’s a great place for me to develop in my career.”
A huge thank you to both Dan, Ebony and the rest of the Ultralets team for a successful transfer.
If the time feels right for you to exit from your lettings business, please do feel free to reach out. All discussions are in complete confidence. Get in touch.