What are sellers (usual) main concerns?
It's no secret that we’re always in the market to acquire good quality lettings portfolios in East Yorkshire.
Let us address the 3 main considerations we come across when speaking to agents that are interested in selling.
> If I sell, am I going to get a fair price for my life's work?
We have a simple formula to calculate a fair offer for your business. We have a blueprint for the purchase and previously have retained a huge percentage of the clients and we know how transition it sensitively. Make sure you're looking for buyers that actually have the means to purchase your business, a lot of people talk a good game.
> Are my customers going to be looked after or feel like I've sold them down the river?
Only you can make the call as to whether or not your customers are going to the right place, consider whether or not you would use that agent to manage your own properties? There is usually a retention clause in your sale terms too, if the agent you sell to doesn't offer a similar service or an improvement and your customers leave it will probably cost you £.
> What am I going to do after?
It's a nice problem to have isn't it!? You'll probably want to retire or do something different but if not, we’re open to you joining us, let's discuss what you like to do, we'll probably be able to make it work.
Stronger together.