5 ways to prepare to sell your lettings business

There’s never a bad time to get your ducks in a row if you’re considering selling your letting agents in the upcoming years.

Even if the timing isn’t right just yet, getting organised at this stage will speed up the process when you’re ready to sell. You’ll add more value to your proposition if your business is packaged up nicely for a buyer.

#1 Work on removing yourself from the picture →

#2 Decide when the right time is to step back from your business →

#3 Prepare your figures →

#4 Seek support from a broker if you’re not confident doing a deal solo →

#5 Decluttering your business → 

Hopefully, you’ll find these guides useful - if you’re considering selling your letting agents and have any further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to spencer@synergyforward.co.uk.


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